Saturday, August 25, 2012

a month!?

Wow, where does the time go?  It has been a month since I posted with a Sasha update.  She is doing GREAT!  I adore this dog...and the feeling is mutual.  It's a good thing that LUNA loves her too because Luna and I also adore each other and Luna can be jelous of me.

Sasha has come in season, a first time at 9 months.  That's good since almost all of my girls in the past have come in at 9 to 10 months of age.  I'd rather have that than earlier. Cardi girls that come in season at 6-8 months are still' babies' to me. 

There is so much about Sasha that reminds me of my Peeker who is now 11 years old.  I never kept a show puppy from Peeker and I have kicked myself for that many times.  I DID place my BEST show pups with others though.  Some people have frowned at me for that I'm sure BUT I can't/couldn't do the dogs justice in time, training,showing and care without sharing with other responsible fanciers.  That way, I am still putting my best in the ring.  I do have connections with two of the best males from Peeker though and I think Sasha is who God has blessed me with as an adopted/surrogate Peeker daughter to move forward with.

Still no camera but there will be photos to come.


  1. So glad Sasha is getting along with Luna! Hope Fig likes Sasha and no jealousy of Luna. It was clear he loves Luna! Happy days at the farm!

    1. You are a 'joy giver'. Thank you! All is well here- slowly-looking forward not behind. Yes, Luna, Fig and Sasha are a good 'family unit' and the 2 older girls, Peeker and DeeDee pretty much are the queens and all is excepted. Merry the farm!

  2. So glad Sasha has become part of the family! And I so appreciate you sharing the marvelous Tigger with me ... he's your boy, too. Looking forward to more Merry news!

  3. Bet the three of them have the best time. Happy playmates and best buddies. Sasha seems to be a natural fit. So glad there is peace and harmony among your clan of Cardi clowns!

  4. Good to hear the latest from Merry Heart/Cornerstone, Rita! Sounds like a merry and joy-full place!! Nibbs says to say hey to all her buddies. She is doing her best to keep son Wystan behaving. Wys is doing his best to play with his mama......*constantly.* Literally. :-( Poor gal. Nibbs is the paragon of patience - until she reaches her limit, and then she lets Wys know who is Boss!!
    Can't wait to hear the continued news of Sasha! She sounds like a gem.

    1. Oh Betsy, thank you and great to get a message...Sasha is a gem! She reminds me of Nibbs! Peeker's look and some behaviors but such a gentle and loving nature, like Nibbs.
