Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Hello to everyone!  Today is always a special day of the year for me.  I know that I am so very blessed and am especially glad to have a day set aside where the whole country pauses to give thanks.  There are many less fortunate today and we need to remember them, and to give help when and where possible.
I am thankful for our loving, caring and merciful God.  He shows me over and over how he cares for me and has all under control.  I am grateful for his correction of my imperfections and molding of me to be a better person.
One of the things I am most thankful for are the people God has put in my life.  My family and my are wonderful !!!!!  If you are someone that I've never actually met but we have a connection, to me you are a friend.  I know there are many who read each other's words, who care when any of us are in trouble or sad or in need.  So to all of you- you are my friends and I am blessed to have you.
I know I'm not an eloquent writer and I suppose I'm feeling mushy at the moment, but I just felt the need to tell you.  I hope you are blessed too.  Blessings always go both directions.    With a warm heart, Rita

Monday, November 8, 2010

Part of the herd relaxing

This was a scene in the yard the other day.  Typical, enjoyable.  Cardis love to be where you are.  I haven't posted in a while and thought I'd better keep up.  I will have more soon.  Scooby is coming here to Kissimmee on Nov. 19.  Much is happening quckly with only 6 week left before the move.  Crazy time to move-eh!?  Holidays and cold weather.  I know God has it all in His care though.